Friday, April 15, 2022

Just Outside (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, Good Friday, Eve of Passover, feast day of Our Lady of Kieff (Vladimir), Our Lady of the Divine Mercy (Benin), Saints Basilissa and Anastasia, Saint Huna of Slattakra, and Saint Hunna of Alscance. Jewish calender today commemorates the Passover Offering, Fast of the Firstborn, and the birth of Maimonides (1135 AD). Image from here.)

Just Outside

(from Holy Week’s journal, 2022)

When they got out on land,

they saw a charcoal fire there,

with fish lying on it, and bread

–John 21:9 (see also here, here)

1. Holy Monday, upon awakening

rain dome,

coo of dove just outside

freed of fowler’s net

2. Holy Monday, upon arising

broken Rosary--

my Joseph spots Crucifix,

opening door to snow

3. Holy Thursday, upon retiring

hands warmed

at belly’s fireside,

heart leaps towards

4. Good Friday, upon awakening

faint rooster crow,

clear humm of neighbor's furnace

lights my own

*From prompt: Free associate on concept of “alone”, considering can only enter the “pond” (Basho’s metaphor for Oneness) alone. (Surfaced: alone as being in state of spaciousness and warmth/love, where can be authentic self--sometimes, though not necessarily, being literally alone; virgin archetype.) Then write haiku centered on your own doorway to Oneness. From Gerry Grubbs’ Writing From Where You Are (The Hive, Cincinnati), April 11, 2022.

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