Friday, April 15, 2022

Twinkle (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, Good Friday, Eve of Passover, feast day of Our Lady of Kieff (Vladimir), Our Lady of the Divine Mercy (Benin), Saints Basilissa and Anastasia, Saint Huna of Slattakra, and Saint Hunna of Alscance. Jewish calander today commemorates the Passover Offering, Fast of the Firstborn, and the birth of Maimonides (1135 AD). Image from here.)


as in wink, spark


be it star, smile or mile--

alight; lifts, shifts the

gaze now to diamond's

gleam, nestled deep

and deeper still

in soul

*From prompt: After listening to Francisco X. Alarcon’s Words are birds, make list of some favorite words, turn one word into diamante poem, then flesh out into new poem. From Brooks Decker’s One Word: Metaphor and Storytelling (MOCA, Jacksonville), April 15, 2022.

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