Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Memory Eternal (WC)

A SoulCollage card made last night in loving memory of my Mother Jackie. Made before knowing the English translation for the French verse on it. Looking it up now, it’s:

As God gave food to the birds, 

He sent His Son to you

O Lord, give rest to the soul of Thy servant Jackie.

May she rest in peace,

and may perpetual light shine upon her.


*"Memory Eternal" is a traditional Eastern Orthodox phrase for honoring for the departed

Sky-True (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, January 28, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of the Green Scapular, Our Lady of Succor, the Totemsk-Sumorin Icon of the Mother of God, ("consolation after the loss of loved ones; strengthening of faith"), Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Cannera of Inis Cathaig, Blessed Olympia Bida, On Jewish calendar today, Rebbetzin Chana (mother of the Lubavitcher Rebbe) born (1879). Image from Joseph MacRae, horizontal Angel we saw in sunset 1/23… feels like a blessing.)


(Grandma Dee’s version of Disney's “When You Wish Upon a Star”,

Sometime 1970’s)

“Grandma, are they singing fate there, or faith?”

“Well, I’m not sure. But if it isn't faith, then it should be”

Like a bolt out of the Blue

Faith steps in and sees you through

When you wish upon a Star

Your dreams come true

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Lily Song (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, from previous post: a past poem revisited January 10, 2021, Sunday of the Blessing of the Waters (Eastern Orthodox); and feast day eve of Saint Luminosa of Pavia (patron of booksellers; represented with lily/three lilies) and of the above Yelets Icon of the Mother of God)

An early poem, Mom said it was one of her favorites, so reposting it to remember and honor her

Lily Song

And why are you anxious about clothing?

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;

they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even

Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like

one of these. - Matthew 6: 28-29

Sparkles are empty, now after the real,

And this longing for beauty is forever.

Breeze through the field now, blows where it will,

And this longing for beauty is forever.

Through sun, through dew, till we drop to earth, to sky,

And this longing for beauty is forever.

Sky too deep too blue to dazzle -- holy mantle,

And this longing for beauty is forever.

Sparkles are empty, now after the real,

And this longing for beauty is forever.

Breeze through the field now, blows where it will,

And this holding of Beauty is forever. 

Upon running away from home, age 4 (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, January 25, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of Bethlehem(Spain), Our Lady's Shroud, 3 Icons of of the Mother of God at Hilander Monastery ((above) Milkgiver, Akathist, and Priestly)), the Unexpected Joy Icon of the Mother of God, the Assuage My Sorrows Icon of the Mother of God, the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Gregory the Theologian, Blessed Archangela Girlani. Image from here.)

Upon running away from home, age 4

Yes, it happened. 

Our front door sang that morning, I made it a mile or so. 
The Swiss Miss girl, I knew she’d take me in.

Being Queen of the fairies and all,
she'd up and hug me, spot family when she sees it.

We'd brite the trees together, share sage tea,
waken deep nestled in rosebuds.  

A refuge, you see, with the wee folk, 
if nowhere else.

And if I ever grew up, I’d remember — 

no matter what happens out there, 

                   glow-glimmer slips though


*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by  “As Girl” by Annie Wenstrup. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, January 25, 2025.  

Friday, January 24, 2025

To Weather Through (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, originally from January 12, 2025, feast day of the Baptism of the Lord (Orthodox, afterfeast), (above) Our Lady of Guadalupe “Little Indians” festival, Our Lady of Conquering Love, Our Lady of the Rue Large, Milk-GiverAkathist & Priestly, Icons, Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, St Caesaria of Arles, St Tatiana, Saint Aelred (quotes), St Parthena, St Eupraxia, St Benedict Biscop, Bl Lucia, St John of Ravenna, Sts Eutropius & Tigrius, Bl Bernardo de Plano (Mercedarian), St Bernard of Corleone, Bl Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, St Satyrus (Cross miracle). Today's Jewish calendar Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt's Downfall, 424 BC. Image from here.)

To Weather Through

Forage the dictionary, scout for love

Old English lufian ‘to cherish’…

Hush into your softest dress. Candle the table. 

Home the cup, warm blossom brew.

Solace the task at hand.

Christmas the day —

do we gift ourselves

    each other


*Original draft of this was the last poem read to Mom before her passing. Inspired by January 12th’s video binge (10 ways to live like a Grandma in 2025, Grandma goes VIRAL ), and combined prompts: Freewrite as inspired by Audre Lorde’s “The Cancer Journals” (from Daisy Barrett Nash’s Legacy lines, January 29 and February 5, 2025) and “My Therapist Wants to Know about My Relationship to Work” (from Tresha Heaffner’s Write Games (the Poetry Salon), January 30, 2025). 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Little Rose Prayer (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, October 4, 2020, Sukkot, and feast day of Saint Francis; revisited November 28, 2020)

Originally from 2020, revisited now in loving memory of my Mother

Little Rose Prayer

(a variation on the Saint Therese novena,

in gratitude after Mom's surgery, 2020)

Saint Therese please send

a rose from above, 

Guide me to know that

God is love.

Help me in my

intentions this day,

and keep me on your

        Little Way.


Today’s Menu (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, published (also finalist in contest) in My Sanskriti in Teal, edited by Ruchi Acharya, Wingless Dreamer Publisher, 2023. Originally from May 14, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Bavaria, the Unexpected Joy Icon of the Mother of God, the Sweet-Kissing Icon of the Mother of God, the Yaroslavl-Caves Icon of the Mother of God, and feast day of Saint Matthias the Apostle, Saint Corona the Martyr, and Saint Maria Mazzerello. Image from our family photo album (previous image was from here, tree shrine to Our Lady of Bavaria.)

Originally from 2022, revisited now in loving memory of my Mother, who in her own way carried Grandma Otten's torch, who carried her Grandmother's, and on back....

Today’s Menu

World economy hires her waitress, ignores my order,

brings what pleases. No wonder this restaurant’s avoided.

Turn to Great Grandma Otten’s instead, opened in the Roaring 

Twenties. Lost in the Great Depression. Though she kept the Rosary,

safe in her apron pocket, passed it on. This economy of time

paced smooth, circles round. Skirts the sound of crash 

or rise, holds my hand. Each visit a surprise. 

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Moinica de la Torre’s “$6.82”; from Lisa Freedman’s Imagination and Justice BreatheReadWrite (IWWG International Women’s Writing Guild), May 14, 2022. 

Do You? (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, originally from April 22, 2022, feast day of Orthodox Great and Holy Friday, of Our Lady of Betharam (connection with Lourdes), of the Miraculous Lady (weeping Icon of Cicero, Illinois), and of Saint Opportuna of Montreuil and Saint Senorina of Basto. Earth Day. Jewish calendar today continues Passover, and commemorates Splitting of the Red Sea (Miriam in subsequent song, above). Image from here.)

Shared here in honor of my Mother's passage -- she who much loved the "baby angels"

Do You?

through a miracle... dance...

–Miriam’s Song, Debbie Friedman

I used to sense tiny wings,

nestled just behind the heart --

mine? yours? not sure, but

surely magic’s real, 

now the eyes

are open

*From prompt: Freewrite a quick 5 line poem exploring "I used to_ ... now_". From Suni Storm's Improving Your Performance (MOCA, Jacksonville), April 22, 2022.

Solut (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, originally from February 26, 2021, feast day of Purim, whose heroine Esther is above. Image from here.)

Originally from 2021, revisited now in loving memory of my Mother


(age two’s celebratory walk after several months in cast from broken femur)

The Latin root solv and its variant solut both 

mean "loosen"... --  from Membean, “Solved by a Root Solution”

Hurray, hurray, it is today! The Sun it spills on

sidewalk gray, as white shoes dance on feet at

play, while dear old Bonnie* leads the way, and

things with wings around me sway. And,

"Mom, do you hear that pretty sound? Of trees, 

and wind, and O wow! rain. And never to be 

in that cast again, not trapped, but out, and 

Sun my frame",

Hurray, hurray, it is today! 

"Time to go" , says Mom.

"Till next time!" , I say.

*Faithful collie Bonnie, memory eternal

**From prompt: Freewrite after the post-war celebratory walk in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway–a giddy, flowing, moving, interactive-with-surroundings type of joy– (in this case it’s my childhood walk above). From Esther Linn's Quarantine Write-in (Hugo House, Seattle), February 25, 2021.