Saturday, January 25, 2025

Upon running away from home, age 4 (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, January 25, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of Bethlehem(Spain), Our Lady's Shroud, 3 Icons of of the Mother of God at Hilander Monastery ((above) Milkgiver, Akathist, and Priestly)), the Unexpected Joy Icon of the Mother of God, the Assuage My Sorrows Icon of the Mother of God, the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Gregory the Theologian, Blessed Archangela Girlani. Image from here.)

Upon running away from home, age 4

Yes, it happened. 

Our front door sang that morning, I made it a mile or so. 
The Swiss Miss girl, I knew she’d take me in.

Being Queen of the fairies and all,
she'd up and hug me, spot family when she sees it.

We'd brite the trees together, share sage tea,
waken deep nestled in rosebuds.  

A refuge, you see, with the wee folk, 
if nowhere else.

And if I ever grew up, I’d remember — 

no matter what happens out there, 

                   glow-glimmer slips though


*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by  “As Girl” by Annie Wenstrup. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, January 25, 2025.  

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