(Wendy Cabell, originally from January 12, 2025, feast day of the Baptism of the Lord (Orthodox, afterfeast), (above) Our Lady of Guadalupe “Little Indians” festival, Our Lady of Conquering Love, Our Lady of the Rue Large, Milk-Giver, Akathist & Priestly, Icons, Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, St Caesaria of Arles, St Tatiana, Saint Aelred (quotes), St Parthena, St Eupraxia, St Benedict Biscop, Bl Lucia, St John of Ravenna, Sts Eutropius & Tigrius, Bl Bernardo de Plano (Mercedarian), St Bernard of Corleone, Bl Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, St Satyrus (Cross miracle). Today's Jewish calendar Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt's Downfall, 424 BC. Image from here.)
To Weather Through
Forage the dictionary, scout for love
Old English lufian ‘to cherish’…
Hush into your softest dress. Candle the table.
Home the cup, warm blossom brew.
Solace the task at hand.
Christmas the day —
do we gift ourselves
each other
*Original draft of this was the last poem read to Mom before her passing. Inspired by January 12th’s video binge (10 ways to live like a Grandma in 2025, Grandma goes VIRAL ), and combined prompts: Freewrite as inspired by Audre Lorde’s “The Cancer Journals” (from Daisy Barrett Nash’s Legacy lines, January 29 and February 5, 2025) and “My Therapist Wants to Know about My Relationship to Work” (from Tresha Heaffner’s Write Games (the Poetry Salon), January 30, 2025).
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