Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Hilltop Prayer (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, August 21, 2020, feastday of Our Lady of Knock, afterfeast of the Dormition/Assumption, and Rosh Chodesh. Image of Our Lady of Knock, from here


Hilltop Prayer

Behold the Lamb

for the Lamb will conquer

and the woman clothed

   in the the sun

will shine Her light

on everyone.

Behold the Lamb

for He stands and knocks,

     "Whoever shall open,

              I will enter,

         and sup with him".

Behold the Lamb

for the Lamb will conquer

and the woman clothed

    in the sun

will shine Her light

on everyone.


* In the Irish village of Knock, which means hill, there was an apparition in 1879 (see here). Dana Scallon later memorialized this in a hymn, Lady of Knock, which stanzas one and three of above poem are based on, and they in turn based on Revelation 17:14 and 12:1. Stanza two is based on Revelation 3:20.

Poem inspired by the general experience (through both classes/retreats and Mass) of the lovely Knock Shrine, Ireland.

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