Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Knitterwoman God (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, August 14, 2020, forefeast of the Dormition/Assumption of the Mother of God. Poem inspired by the (July -August) 2020 Jesuit Week Retreat via Knock Shrine, Ireland.)

Knitterwoman God

(After Renee Bozarth; a meditation on Psalm 138)

Knower of my frame 

tangled threads, snarled

breaths, how I have marred

Your handiwork,

Your hands, soft, strong

O wonder!, do tend.

Unfurl, sweep 

sort. Til peace

reweaves. Even stronger 

than before. How is it,

breathing now, Cure. Curio. Curious

'bout this thing within me. This

tiny seed. This cure you 



this mess 

ever came

to be.

Knitterwoman God

shake, smooth me

out. 'Till settled once more, Your

love wraps 'round. Warms this 

quilt fresh mended. This story 

unended. Ever.

Knitterwoman God,



*See Renee Bozarth's Bakerwoman God

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