Friday, February 26, 2021

Solut (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, February 26, 2021, feast day of Purim, whose heroine Esther is above. Image from here.)


(age two’s celebratory walk after several months in cast from broken femur)

The Latin root solv and its variant solut both 

mean "loosen"... --  from Membean, “Solved by a Root Solution”

Hurray, hurray, it is today! The Sun it spills on

sidewalk gray, as white shoes dance on feet at

play, while dear old Bonnie* leads the way, and

things with wings around me sway. And,

"Mom, do you hear that pretty sound? Of trees, 

and wind, and O wow! rain. And never to be 

in that cast again, not trapped, but out, and 

Sun my frame",

Hurray, hurray, it is today! 

"Time to go" , says Mom.

"Till next time!" , I say.

*Faithful collie Bonnie, memory eternal

**From prompt: Freewrite after the post-war celebratory walk in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway–a giddy, flowing, moving, interactive-with-surroundings type of joy– (in this case it’s my childhood walk above). From Esther Linn's Quarantine Write-in (Hugo House, Seattle), February 25, 2021.

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Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above)  Meeting of our Lord in the Temple,  f...